Hello December!
Elf Your Team video (pay the $3.99 to download the video if you plan on sharing)- https://www.elfyourself.com/
Stocking Stuffer Promo
Link to this Canva file if you want to edit for your office

Monday Motivation
Info on periodontal disease/health concerns and treatment options.
Call the our dental team at (111) 111- 1111 to schedule an appointment.

Thank you to your local Starbucks
Post a picture of you visiting a local Starbucks

Link to your Holiday themed Pinterest board.
Don't have a Pinterest account? Let me help! Schedule a call with me to discuss how Pinterest could benefit your dental practice. SCHEDULE A CALL

A picture... or better yet a video of your office
Post a picture of your office building, inside or out decorated for the holidays.
A video of it snowing on the building would be perfect.

Happy Holidays from your team- team photo
if your team refuses to be photographed consider posting a picture of the doctors family

caption: Thanks so much for your kind words, Julie! We appreciate you taking the time to comment and we look forward to seeing you at your next visit.

New Year Resolutions
Time to start planning for 2021 (FINALLY- bring it on!)
This is a great time to discuss health and beauty related topics.
Highlight services you offer such as Invisalign, smile makeovers and products that promote health.

Happy New Year
